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A Comprehensive Guide to QuickBooks Error 12157

QuickBooks is an essential accounting tool used by millions of small and medium-sized businesses. However, like any software, it’s not immune to errors. One such issue is QuickBooks Error 12157. This blog will dive deep into the causes, implications, and solutions for this specific error to help you keep your QuickBooks running smoothly.

Understanding QuickBooks Error 12157

What is QuickBooks Error 12157?

QuickBooks Error 12157 is part of the 12000 series of errors, typically related to network and connectivity issues. This error often occurs during the update process of QuickBooks or its payroll services. It signifies that there’s an issue with the internet connection, hindering QuickBooks from communicating with its server.

Why Does QuickBooks Error 12157 Occur?

There are several reasons why QuickBooks Error 12157 might occur:

  • Internet Connection Problems: If your internet connection is unstable or lost during an update.

  • Firewall or Security Software Interference: Sometimes, firewall settings or other security software might block QuickBooks from accessing the server.

  • Incorrect SSL Settings: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) settings need to be correctly configured for secure connections.

  • Network Time-Out: If the network connection times out during the update process.

  • Incorrect Date and Time Settings: If your computer's date and time settings are incorrect, it can cause connection issues.

Impact of QuickBooks Error 12157

Experiencing Error 12157 can disrupt your business operations. It can prevent you from updating QuickBooks, accessing the latest features, and performing essential tasks like payroll processing. This can lead to delays and inefficiencies in your financial management.

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Error 12157

Preliminary Checks

Before diving into detailed troubleshooting steps, conduct these preliminary checks:

  1. Check Your Internet Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable and working correctly.

  2. Verify Date and Time Settings: Make sure your computer's date and time settings are accurate.

Step-by-Step Solutions

Solution 1: Configure Your Internet Explorer Settings

  1. Open Internet Explorer: QuickBooks uses Internet Explorer to connect to the internet.

  2. Go to Internet Options: Click on the gear icon or go to Tools > Internet Options.

  3. Check Security Settings: Under the Security tab, set the security level to medium-high.

  4. Verify Connection Settings: Under the Connections tab, click on LAN settings and ensure that Automatically Detect Settings is checked.

  5. Enable SSL Settings: Go to the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Security section, and ensure that SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 are checked.

Solution 2: Adjust Firewall and Security Software Settings

  1. Open Control Panel: Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall.

  2. Allow QuickBooks Through Firewall: Click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall, and ensure that QuickBooks is on the list and allowed.

  3. Configure Security Software: If you have third-party security software, configure it to allow QuickBooks access to the internet. Refer to the software’s documentation for specific instructions.

Solution 3: Update QuickBooks to the Latest Release

  1. Open QuickBooks: Launch QuickBooks Desktop.

  2. Go to Update Menu: Click on Help > Update QuickBooks.

  3. Check for Updates: Click on the Update Now tab and then click Get Updates.

  4. Restart QuickBooks: Close and reopen QuickBooks to complete the update process.

Solution 4: Configure QuickBooks Web Connector

  1. Open QuickBooks Web Connector: This can be found in the Windows Start menu or within QuickBooks itself.

  2. Check Settings: Ensure that your web connector settings are correct and that it can connect to the internet.

Solution 5: Adjust Internet Security and Personal Firewall Settings

  1. Open Security Software: Access your internet security or personal firewall software.

  2. Create Exceptions: Add exceptions for QuickBooks processes and ports. The common QuickBooks processes that need internet access include QBW32.exe, QBDBMgrN.exe, QBDBMgr.exe, and QBCFMonitorService.exe.

  3. Allow Ports: Ensure that ports 80 and 443 are open, as QuickBooks uses these ports to connect to the internet.

Advanced Troubleshooting

If the above solutions do not resolve the issue, consider the following advanced troubleshooting steps:

Solution 6: Reinstall QuickBooks

  1. Backup Your Data: Always create a backup of your QuickBooks data before reinstalling the software.

  2. Uninstall QuickBooks: Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features, select QuickBooks, and click Uninstall.

  3. Download the Latest Version: Visit the official QuickBooks website to download the latest version of the software.

  4. Install QuickBooks: Follow the installation instructions provided.

Solution 7: Use QuickBooks Connection Diagnostic Tool

  1. Download the Tool: The QuickBooks Connection Diagnostic Tool can be downloaded from the Intuit website.

  2. Run the Tool: Follow the on-screen instructions to run the tool. It will diagnose and fix many common connectivity issues.

Solution 8: Check Internet Explorer Version

  1. Verify IE Version: Ensure you are using a compatible version of Internet Explorer. QuickBooks may not function correctly with older versions.

  2. Update Internet Explorer: If necessary, update to the latest version of Internet Explorer.

Contacting Support

If none of these solutions resolve QuickBooks Error 12157, it may be time to contact QuickBooks support. They can provide specialized assistance and guide you through more complex troubleshooting steps.

Preventing Future Errors

Regular Software Updates

Keep your QuickBooks and all related software updated to the latest versions. This includes your operating system, internet browser, and any security software.

Stable Internet Connection

Ensure a reliable and stable internet connection, especially during updates. Use a wired connection if possible, as it is generally more stable than a wireless connection.

Regular Maintenance

Perform regular maintenance on your computer, such as clearing cache and temporary files, running virus scans, and checking for system errors.

Backup Your Data

Regularly back up your QuickBooks data to avoid data loss in case of any errors or issues.


QuickBooks Error 12157 can be a significant disruption to your business operations. Understanding the causes and applying the appropriate solutions can help you quickly resolve this issue and minimize downtime. Regular maintenance and keeping your software updated are crucial steps to prevent such errors in the future. If you find yourself unable to resolve the error, don't hesitate to seek professional support from QuickBooks.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your QuickBooks remains a reliable tool for managing your business finances, helping you focus on what you do best—running your business.

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